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Lisa Cain staunch advocate for today’s entrepreneur, Lisa works hard to find creative alternatives and options that let business owners focus on their products and services while growing their exposure within their local community and beyond. Lisa believes that all business owners should have the opportunity to get as much exposure as possible and be able to expand their business to meet their dreams, goals and expectations. Lisa is fortunate to be involved in several unique and affordable opportunities that give maximum exposure for minimal investment. Lisa's passion is to build collaborative relationships and create mutually beneficial joint venture opportunities. Lisa has over 30+ years of successful hands-on customer satisfaction, sales, and exemplary team-building experience with a lifelong passion for business ownership and to create unique opportunities, events and experiences for entrepreneurs and their clients.




There are many advantages with Launch Cart Platform over the competition.

We have listed  a few of our top  favorites.

- 1st VALUE

Everything is included.

- 2nd Speed to Market.

Once we receive your Branding graphics and Product details we can have your basic store up within 48 hours!



3rd Ease of Store Management
Manage everything about your store all from one central portal.


Admin Panel eCommerce Management


Product management
Create, edit, and manage all your products in one central location. From tagging, uploading, changing prices, editing variants, you can do it all.



Sales and Coupons

Create sitewide automatic sales or public & private discount codes for your online shoppers to use at any time.


Customer Management
Easily lookup and find all your customers and their purchases through our customer management section.




Global Currencies

Sell in 30+ currencies to customers across the world. Set you own default store currency and configure auto-select IP-based currency selection for you visitors who visit from different countries.


Global Shipping Rules

Create custom shipping profiles to get detailed about how much you charge, when you charge, and where you charge for shipping for all your products.




Manage Unlimited Stores
Create and manage an unlimited amount of ecommerce stores with 1-single master login. Easily switch between your different branded store in seconds.


Order Management
Get a comprehensive look into all your orders from all your customers. Process full and partial refunds, lookup orders, and edit tracking information for physical products.


Central Inventory Tracking

Launch Cart can track your inventory amounts, notify your subscribers when products are back in stock, and make sure you never sell an item that is out of stock.


Data Export Wizard

Using this proprietary export tool, you'll be able to download your store's data at any time. You can even setup recurring scheduled exports to run automatically.


Tax & VAT Rules

Create customer tax rules and collect tax based on what's required to make sure you are always in compliance.



Payment Providers

Get paid directly into your bank account or PayPal account from every sale you make. Currently, we support Stripe, PayPal, NMi and opennode payments. We can even accept BitCoin through opennode with instant conversion.


Create Sub Users

Give your team access to your stores and grant users limited permissions as you wish.

- 4th No Physical Inventory Needed 
Create POD (print on demand) products within Launch Cart!


With a native integration of Printful, Launch Cart comes with full capabilities of Printful - one of the largest Print-on-Demand companies in the world. This feature allows you to browse a selection of over 300 products that are available to be customized with your own logos, graphics, or images: then be sold directly from your store. After a sale is made, Printful will print, package, and deliver these products to your customers. You don't need to buy inventory, there is no upfront fees, and no minimum sales required.


Other POD companies joining Launch Cart soon.


Browse the printful catalog PDF to see what types of products you can sell with Launch Cart along with a list of top selling products.



Print-on-Demand product creation wizard built in.

no installation required - comes included
